Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blog vs. blog

It seems that a lesser known City of Ottawa-related blog wants in on the limelight currently occupied by the very anti-O'Brien Zero Means Zero. Though it doesn't appear to be a new blog, I didn't know City Holler! existed today. That said, whoever authors this one (like Zero Means Zero, it's anonymous) has done some pretty solid research in trying to figure out who authors ZMZ, as they refer to it, a pretty interesting read...Though it's adjourned until Monday, the two sides in Larry's trial will be arguing over the admissibility of lots and lots of hearsay (i.e. I heard the following during a ridiculously expensive lunch at Hy's...Terry Kilrea is supposed to take the stand first when the trial resumes next week. Should be entertaining (okay, maybe that's too strong a word, but still)...Ottawa councillors are worried that the trial is going to take attention away from them and other "important" news stories. One might suggest to them that they should avoid publicity for a little bit based on the headlines in the last year...Ottawa has ONE confirmed case of the swine flu. Yep, one. Pretty scary, huh? Talk to me if that number hits 1,000. Wonder how many people this news will make rush out and by face masks...Vanilla Ice has been added to the list of performers for this year's edition of Bluesfest. Comeback of the year, anyone? The Yeah Yeah Yeahs have also been added, which is a whole lot cooler...

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